Friday, December 1, 2006



ALZIP: For all your file compression needs, ALZip opens virtually every archive format imaginable. From ALZ and ACE to ZIP and ZOO, it even opens CD images too. Lost a ZIP password? Get it back with the ALZip password recovery tool. Create SFX files with cute ALZip icons, manage your ZIP and archive files with the intuitive ALZip explorer interface, and create or extract archives in 2 clicks. Click here to Download.


WinRAR is a 32-bit Windows version of RAR Archiver, an archiver and archive manager. RAR files can usually compress content by 8 percent to 15 percent more than ZIP files can. WinRAR's main features include strong general and multimedia compression, the ability to process non-RAR archive formats, ZIP compression and decompression, support for long filenames, programmable self-extracting archives (SFX), repair of damaged archives, authenticity verification, embedded file comments, and encryption. WinRAR can convert other archive formats to RAR and search for specified text and files in archives. Click here to Download.


7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio. The program supports 7z, ZIP, RAR, CAB, ARJ, LZH, CHM, CPIO, ISO, NSIS, RPM, DEB, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, and Z formats. The compression ratio in the new 7z format is 30 percent to 50 percent better than the ratio in the ZIP format. Also, 7-Zip compresses to the ZIP format 2 percent to 10 percent better than PKZip and WinZip. 7-Zip has an additional powerful command-line version. Version 4.42 has speed optimizations, ISO and NSIS support. Click here to Download.

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